Image Annotations

Image Annotation is an application that allow you to collect and annotate images in a collaborative way. These interactive activities can be achieved individually or in groups, on any types of JPEG images. It is possible to create a portfolio and to use them for presentations or illustrations. Several activities types are possible. For more information, look at the activities section below


Fermé logo_ferme

Examen logo_examen

Limité logo_limite

Libre logo_libre

Référence logo_examen

Personnel logo_examen

Image explorer

When ImageAnnotation is open, the user has access to the file explorer, where he can see all the activities he is registered in. In every activities, you will find the different visible images from every user, based on a hierarchical system.
The user can indeed upload images but can render them «invisible» to the other users. Only the owner of the image can do this change of state. The same change of state can be done to the annotations.
Every activity includes a shared folder that allows the professors in charge of the activity to make available images.

How to add an image?

How to create a folder?

How to delete a folder or an image?

How to rename a folder or an image?

How to move a folder or an image?

How to select an image to annotate it?

Display settings.

Layers (annotations) already present.

Create new annotations.


Other utilizations